Monday, April 6, 2015

Whats Your Story Bobbyloathesyou

Im still getting more Whats Your Story submissions, which is fantastic! Theyre actually coming in a lot faster than Im posting them though, so please be aware the most recent ones wont appear for a few months. This week its Bobbyloathesyous turn to get his name up in lights! Unfortunately he didnt tell us the origin of that name, so well have to see if we can get it out of him. As usual, the images and comments are all my own addition and not his.

Bobbyloathesyou: In the tattooed flesh! Well...I assume its actually him and not an old image of Dimebag Darrell

My home country is… The United States

My age is… 31

The first adventure game I played was… The Legend of Kyrandia: Book One.

These graphics probably look crappy these days, but compared to what Im playing theyre frickin amazing!

My favourite adventure game is… The Legend of Kyrandia: Book One.

When I’m not playing games I like to… Play guitar and Bass, Host a karaoke night at a neighborhood bar, Pen/Paper Rpgs.

The one TV show I never miss is… Parks and Recreation.

Never heard of it, but it sure sounds funny.

I like my games in (a box, digital format)… On my Desktop PC.

The thing I miss about old games is… Real new innovations, RPGs that dont focus so much on action.

My favourite movie is… Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room.

A documentary! This makes my own fantasy based selections seem shallow and classless. You really do loathe me dont you!

The best thing about modern games is… More realistic graphics and features can lead to better immersion.

If I could see any band live it would be… Rush, but only in a small venue.

One interesting thing about me is… I have a 9+ year old Red-Tailed Boa, about 8-feet long.

Im afraid to make any smartass comments about this.

Interested in sending your answers and getting 20 CAPs for you trouble? Email

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